How Much Should You Pay for a Private Wedding Dance Lesson?

You should pay for a private Wedding Dance lesson only on a casual, pay-as-you-go basis, one lesson at a time.

It’s simply impossible for a couple to know in advance how many dance lessons they will need. The number of lessons needed for any Wedding Couple is based on three considerations.

  1. For how much of their chosen Wedding Dance Song does the couple want to be the only two people dancing on the Dance Floor?

  2. How much at-home practice time will each couple have in between the private dance lessons?

  3. At what rate will the wedding couple learn dance (i.e. faster than most, about average or perhaps (for whatever reason) they simply want to take their time).

So, due to the above considerations, a wedding couple should only pay for their dance lessons on a casual, pay-as-you-go basis. The bulk pre-purchase of say ten private dance lessons may result in being too much spent when say only six lessons were needed. Easy!

So as to help you best, simply ask me for more helpful Brisbane Wedding Dance tips, Gold Coast Wedding Dance tips or advice on Private Wedding Dance Lessons for Couples.


Is Dancing Good for Your Fitness?


When to Start Your Private Dance Lessons?